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Why are there so many Spongebob sex memes? This meme is onto something, though. There are many cases of people who don’t realize they’re into kinky sex, but then it turns out they’re very into one particular thing. This meme might hit a little too close to home for some.

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Even though the internet makes it easier for everyone to find their niche, some things are just too personal. A word of advice, though: it’s best to avoid connecting a battery to any type of metal in another person’s body. It’s okay! If it rocks your boat and you’re being careful, go for it. Some people enjoy including a little bit of pain in the bedroom. We’re not sure if people mean this when they say they want sex to be “electrifying”. Reddit, thank you for always having our back. None of these memes are too graphic – but it’s still a better idea to save them for when you’re off work. Whether you’re into any type of kink or just ready to see some kinky memes, we’ve got you covered. Arguably, the web has made some of us more open, more willing to interact with people who have different interests as ours. Thanks to the miracle of the internet, many have been able to find others who share interests – of course, this includes kinks.

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By: Claudia Tanús Try not to kink-shame all these kinky memes

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